As a part of the continued expansion of Dr. Morse's Online School, Dr. Morse needs an experienced Reflexologist to create a course.

The course will be a part of the Online School and may be an essential element of Dr. Morse's Naturopathic Degree.

You should have good theory and practise, with real world experience.

You have full autonomy on how you wish the course to be although, of course, it will sit alongside Dr. Morse's Regenerative Detoxification courses so your program must be in alignment.

For ideas on how long the course should be, how many videos etc. Take a look at all the courses on the Online School then choose, 'Course Outline' and it will give you a list of videos for each. You may also provide additional material for students in the form of downloadable PDFs, Images, etc.

If you have the necessary experience let us know and we can have an initial Zoom call to answer any questions. Contact us via email only at this address:

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