Spiritually Focused Botanical Formulas
Spiritually Focused Formulas (COMING SOON)
We have created a spiritually focused botanical line of formulas with all your bodies in mind.
These herbal formulas offer an elevated, powerful experience, on all levels. All lifeforms have all the same bodies on the same levels. Botanicals have an organic powerful magic on the cells and the fluids of your body.
We consider this a big reason that botanicals were created in the first place. For whole body regeneration at a higher level, try our new spiritual “Above the Ground” line of botanicals. Superb for all ages.
“Above the Ground Health”
Nature’s pharmacy is full of incredible healing and regenerative botanicals. Botanicals (herbs) are magic and come in many forms, fruits, berries, flowers, leaves, barks, roots, rhizomes, tubers, etc. Berries, fruits, flowers, and leaves are the consciousness of the roots. Humans are much healthier when they eat above the ground.
The aerial “above ground” parts are the most in harmony with the animals, including the human. Roots and barks are the most acidic and have the strongest effect upon the body. When it comes to roots, smaller dosages in combination with other herbs which act as buffering any toxicity one might worry about.
The fruits or berries from the tree or plant (vine) carries the highest vibration of the plant or tree. They are designed for humans’ neurological needs over the other vertebrae.
Flowers are designed to heal the emotional side of life known as the astral side. Flowers are rich in nutrition and have many medicinal and health uses. Many people reach a plateau in their regeneration journey because of their hidden emotions which directly affect ones adrenal glands, which in turn shuts down kidney filtration.
A journey down the rabbit hole we go. Flowers unlock your suppressed emotions. Note that during your regeneration program you could experience all types of emotional releases including anger, depression, unhappiness, etc. Let them all go out the door. You don’t need to cling on to anything anymore. You have what you always have “yourself” and YOU need to be free and bold!!
Leaves have always been for the “bigger” animals; elephants, horses, hippos, etc. They offer a powerhouse of nutrition and amino acids. Growing up, we used alfalfa hay to build muscles on our horses for example. There are so many medicinal and regenerative leaves in nature you could put 100 formulas together.
Please enjoy our new “spiritual” line of “Above the Ground” botanical formulas.
Fruits and berries are the “gift to you” foods. They contain the consciousness of the plant in an assimilated form for insects, animals, and humans.
All fruits are adaptogenic, many considered tonics. They are nerve rebuilders and have anti-inflammatory properties. Fruits also enhance your body’s endocrine gland system as well as your body’s liver and pancreatic function.
Most fruits are considered Yin or alkaline and make excellent blood cleansers and enhancers. Most fruits also have astringent properties that work powerfully with the body’s lymphatic system (mucus pullers). Your kidneys love fruits.
Fruits have diuretic properties. Fruits are specific to brain and nerve regeneration. They bring balance to the body. As Yale’s study proves, neurons require fructose as their main source of energy.
Most animals/vertebrates love fruit which is especially designed for primates and humans (frugivores). For a whole-body regeneration at a higher level, try our new spiritual line of botanicals. Superb for all ages. I have rebuilt all types of tissues with a fruit and botanical program. Fruits and berries are the most powerful foods in nature.
Our new Berry Bliss botanical formula was handcrafted to open up all electrical centers of your bodies. Berries of all types are one of nature’s superfoods.
Berries have a secret power of vitality and adaptogenic properties. Berries of Earth are some of nature’s most nutritious and powerful (energetic) foods for most animals, including humans. Berries affect every system of the body in a healing and uplifting way. Powerful Yin/ alkaline tonics.
Berries are anti-inflammatory (antacid), astringent, demulcent, antiseptic, adaptogens, alternatives and some act like tonics.
Berries work on the fluids of the body, blood and lymph, and has the power to regenerate the cells. Berries “light” up all your spiritual bodies.
Flowers express the unbelievable beauty of the astral worlds of color, represented by the thousand petal lotus, the powerhouse of the astral and physical realms of creation.
The beauty of flowers and the smells bring forth feelings of joy and ecstasy. Flowers are healing to ones emotional (astral) body, which is your body of “feelings”.
The mind does not feel. Flowers are used to uplift all life. Without color and odor, life would be very dull indeed. Flowers are very nutritive, and many can and are eaten.
They are anti-inflammatory and blood purifying. Most flowers act as anti-depressants and have anti-spasmodic properties. Flowers enhance brain and nerve function and as well as helps to open the Tisra Til (the 3rd eye) or also known as the pineal gland. Flowers can have a sedative effect and at the same time elevate ones moods. Flowers have an uplifting effect upon the body’s Exo/Endocrine gland systems and of course invokes feelings of love!
Leaves are more earthly than the fruits, berries and flowers. Leaves have a very important role in the regeneration of the organs and glands of the body.
Leaves tend to be more structural / muscular and represents the internal structure and foundation of life.
Most leaves have adaptogenic properties and power properties that enhance cell function. Most leaves are Yin (Alkaline) and have an anti-acid or anti inflammation effect.
Leaves can have a very powerful effect on the GI tract, liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Leaves can enhance blood flow and strengthen vascular walls.
Leaves are full of calcium and can simultaneously enhance the thyroid/parathyroid matrix for utilization of its calcium. Leaves play a vital role in the regeneration of tissues with the ability to reawaken cells out of their genetic thoughts. Leaves are generally for larger animals, however all life benefits greatly from nature’s leaves. Remember, leaves capture the sun and its power.
The magic of plants, from the roots, rhizomes, tubers, and barks to the leaves, berries, and fruit can be seen in the flower. Little is understood without understanding the complexities of how creation is put together and the simplicity of how life and your physical body works.
The plant kingdom, including trees, are essential to human’s survival not to mention all life just from the oxygen standpoint.
The health and regenerative ability of hundreds of plants that are known is this side of magical. They can pull the genetic weaknesses out of cells or tumors out of your body. Remember they came from the same source we did.