I am very ill, have very little funds, and am desperate to get healthy. Where should I start?

The first step to getting started is moving to an 80-100% raw food diet!

Your body needs the living enzymes in fresh fruits and vegetables to start healing itself. Such a diet can and will work wonders in your life.

Then, little by little, add whichever herbal formulas you can afford, according to the issues that are your greatest priority.

It’s essential to always start with the Ultimate Detox Kit Weeks 1 & 2, as these particular formulas will detox the most vital areas of your body.

Also, fasting is powerful. A three-day fresh grape juice or lemon juice fast will speed up your level of detoxification.

If you have the strength and determination, try doing a 100% raw food diet and see the fantastic results in your level of detoxification and regeneration. It will amaze you!

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